Support Our Work

All donations to LION go towards our land project. ‘Land in Our Names’ is not a figurative title but a tangible goal to collectively own land in the names of Black and People of Colour communities in Britain. We understand this project through the framework of reparations – a strategy to repair the harm and ongoing inequalities rooted in colonisation, resource extraction, enslavement, forced migration and exploitation of our people by redistributing resources and healing through connection with the land. 

You can support us by buying from our shop or making a donation below. We particularly value our monthly supporters, who allow us to build a sustainable and long-term strategy for buying land. We also welcome you to contact us for larger donations or redistribution of land and resources.

Land In Our Names is a non-profit Community Interest Company (CIC) supported by donations and grants. Our wages, strategy and core work are supported by Esmee Fairbairn, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and smaller grants.